Fortunately, 13 is my lucky number.
Unfortunately, on Gratitude Day 13, my counselling site got hacked and shut down by my hosting company.
Fortunately, a friend happen to go to my site and told me about the hacking havoc that same day.
Unfortunately, I did not back up my site.
Fortunately, Drake my web-master extraordinaire had done a routine back-up as part of his professional service.
Unfortunately, I lost one post — Gratitude Day 13. I have never before lost any post due to vandalism and the one post I lost — out of the hundreds I have done on my various web sites — was number THIRTEEN!
Fortunately, Drake got my web site up and running within a couple of hours with only one post missing. My gratitude that my site was saved in spite of my failure to back-up far outweighs my annoyance around the inconvenience caused by the hackers. I am indeed fortunate to have caring — and professional — people who look out for me. Thank you!So yeah,
Fortunately, 13 is my lucky number.
If you enjoy this “fortunately, unfortunately, fortunately ..” style of story-telling as much as I do then you will want to read, “Fortunately, Unfortunately” by Michael Foreman. This two-step scaffold is a fabulous story-telling technique for young writer’s and it makes for a hilarious story-telling party game.